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Why Do Chiropractors Use Exercise Modalities?

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Chiropractors offer support to patients with back and neck pain. These practitioners specialize in spinal alignment. They use every tool at their disposal to help clients achieve better spinal alignment and resultant pain relief. Among the tools that chiropractors can utilize are exercise modalities. Here are some of the reasons that chiropractors utilize exercise modalities in their practices:

1. Increase mobility

The exercises that chiropractors prescribe are typically gentle and designed to support mobility and flexibility. If you spend a lot of time sitting at a computer or sedentary in general, your spine can experience compression. Over time, you may notice this as a persistent stiffness in your back and neck. Performing chiropractic exercises regularly can help you keep your body limber, which can reduce stiffness and pain. Regular, gentle exercise is especially important for people who are recovering from accidents that left them with impaired mobility.

2. Support chiropractic adjustments

Chiropractors can perform manual adjustments for their patients. They may do this by cracking a patient's back or gently pulling their spine into a neutral position. Most patients feel an immediate sense of relief after their chiropractic adjustments. This relief can be expanded upon with the right exercise modalities. Strengthening the muscles around your spine can make your back more resilient, reducing the likelihood that your spine will slip back into a misaligned position.

3. Observe the ways patients move their bodies

Exercise modalities can also be used for diagnostic purposes. Unlike doctors, who may rely on tests to provide them with answers, chiropractors diagnose back problems by observing their clients' bodies. The way your body moves can tell your chiropractor a lot about your back health in general. Your chiropractor may ask you to perform a series of exercises and stretches. The way you complete these tasks can reveal muscular imbalances that are causing your back pain. Once your chiropractor notices these problems, they can start developing a plan to help you fix them.

4. Maintain your results longer

Patients who utilize exercise modalities can also maintain their positive chiropractic results for longer. Continuing to perform your assigned exercises between chiropractic sessions can allow you to strengthen the muscles required for a healthy back and spine. By correcting muscular imbalances and improving your posture through exercise and stretching, you can reduce your back pain. Less accumulated pain means your chiropractor will be able to help you feel even better after each session.

Contact a chiropractor service that handles exercise modalities to learn more.
