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3 Ways To Manage Pain From Forward Head Posture

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If you keep having persistent upper back pain, neck pain, or headaches, you'll want to visit your doctor for a check-up. If there are no underlying conditions, one possible cause of these symptoms is chronic forward head posture (also known as "text neck"). This condition is caused by poor posture in the cervical spine region, like if you slump forward at your desk or if you crane your head over to look at your phone. Here are three ways to manage your pain from forward head posture

Visit a Chiropractor

It may be hard to break the habit of forward head posture; you might be sore at first since your muscles will have to adapt to correct posture. It's a good idea to visit a chiropractor because he or she can work with you on correcting your posture and reducing any pain you might be experiencing. When your head slumps forward, it may throw the rest of your spine out of alignment. A chiropractor can perform gentle manipulations to correct any subluxations that may be causing you pain. your chiropractor might also offer massage therapy. If your forward head posture causes pain, then massage modalities can be helpful since they are a drug-free way to release tension, improve circulation, and increase endorphins.

Invest in an Ergonomic Devices

Ergonomic devices, like ergonomic chairs, are designed to increase your working efficiency without diminishing your comfort. Consider when you feel the most pain from your forward head posture. If you slump forward while on a computer, then you might need to get a desk that's raised higher up. Or, you may need to invest in a chair that offers better support for your back, arms, and neck. Ask your chiropractor about neck pillows on the market. There are ergonomic pillows that you can use while seated that support your neck. These pillows are helpful because they will help you adapt to the correct posture, and they will help you manage your pain since they are supportive, like a neck brace.

Commit to Stretching Every Day

Set an alarm on your phone at intervals during the days so that you can gently stretch your neck. Healthline also recommends doing a posture check. To do this, you'll need to stand with your head and back touching a wall and your heels slightly forward. In this position, there should be less than 2 inches between the wall and your neck. If there is a greater gap, your head is curved too much and indicative of forward head posture. After doing a posture check, try some yoga stretches, like child's pose or cat-cow. Ultimately, checking your posture and stretching every day should help to maintain your range of motion and reduce your pain from tight muscles.

Contact a chiropractor today for more information on pain management in regard to forward head posture.
