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Back Pain? 3 Things To Know About Chiropractic Care

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Although chiropractic treatment is now known to be effective for treating a wide variety of health issues, back pain remains one of the most common reasons for patients to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor. More Americans than ever before are now afflicted by spine pain or general back pain, and many more can expect to be afflicted with it in the future. In fact, recent information published by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke suggests that fully 80 percent of the adult population is likely to be affected by low back pain during their lifetimes.

Whether caused by injury, overuse, or some other problem, back pain can make working, caring for a home and family, and many other normal daily functions seem difficult or impossible. If you are suffering from back pain and interested in learning about chiropractic adjustment and how it might help your situation, the following information may be helpful. 

Medical history and symptom evaluation

Much like any other medical care appointment, your chiropractor will first need to learn about your medical history and evaluate your symptoms. In particular, they will need information about your past medical care, including any past injuries or illnesses, treatments, and surgeries. They will also need to know about the pain you are currently feeling, including when it occurs and the level of severity you experience. 

The initial chiropractic exam

As a new chiropractic patient, you will undergo a series of basic medical diagnostic tests much like the ones a medical doctor uses. These generally include taking your pulse and blood pressure, listening for heart and respiration sounds, and testing your muscle tone and reflexes. 

While performing these diagnostic tests, the chiropractor will also be closely observing you to determine how the back pain is affecting your range of motion and basic movements. When deemed necessary, the chiropractor may also take X-rays or refer you for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or other more complex tests. If your symptoms do not require further testing, the chiropractor may also do an initial spinal adjustment to help relieve your symptoms during your first appointment. 

The treatment plan 

Once the initial examination and testing results have been obtained, the chiropractor will provide you with a diagnosis for the cause of your back pain and a treatment plan to address it. While relief often comes quickly after a chiropractic adjustment, you may need additional adjustments, therapeutic massage, or other treatments to fully alleviate your back pain. 

To learn more about what to expect during an initial visit to your chiropractor, make an appointment with a chiropractor such as Eric Schmetterling DC.
