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Self-Care Methods For Dealing With A Whiplash Injury

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Although it's possible to get whiplash injuries in a variety of ways, they are a common result of being in an automobile accident. If you suspect that you're suffering from this type of injury, seeking chiropractic care as quickly as possible can help. Your local chiropractor can reduce your discomfort by adjusting your upper back and neck. While you may feel some relief after just your first adjustment, you'll likely need to have several treatments — especially if your whiplash injury is severe. In between your appointments, you should endeavor to take proper care of yourself. Here are some ways to do so.

Get Plenty Of Rest

When you've received a whiplash injury, the muscles and ligaments in your neck, shoulders, and upper back will be tender for an extended period of time. You'll commonly notice that if you're up and moving around for a while, your pain begins to worsen. You should always listen to your body and allow yourself time to rest when you need to. When you're lying down with your head properly supported by a pillow, the affected muscles and ligaments will no longer be working to hold your head up, which will allow them to relax.

Avoid Strenuous Activities

You should do your best to avoid any form of strenuous activity when you're recovering from a whiplash injury. Your chiropractor will likely give you some recommendations about how long you'll need to stay away from such activities based on the severity of your injury. Moving your head and straining your upper body can increase your discomfort. If you have a physically demanding job, you may need to take some time off. Similarly, if you enjoy playing sports, you may need to stay on the sidelines. Other activities, such as playing with your children and throwing a ball for your dog, are also best to avoid.

Treat The Area With Ointment

Unless your chiropractor advises otherwise, you may have some success controlling the pain by rubbing a liniment-style topical ointment on the affected area. These products can be effective at reducing the pain from inflamed muscles, which you'll definitely be experiencing after sustaining a whiplash injury. You can buy such products at your local general merchandise store or pharmacy. It's also possible that your chiropractor will give you a series of specific steps for taking care of yourself between each adjustment, so make sure that you're clear on these before you leave your appointment.

For more information, contact a company like Allendale Chiropractic Clinic.
