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Three Benefits Of Using Yoga To Complement Your Chiropractic Adjustments

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Visiting a chiropractor for your back pain can often lead to a significant amount of relief in just a few visits. One of the benefits of receiving chiropractic care is that you can talk with your chiropractor about ways that you can help the healing process between adjustments and continue keeping your back healthy even after you've completed your treatment plan. In many cases, healthy lifestyle changes and the adoption of regular exercise routines can contribute positively to lessening your back pain and making sure it doesn't return. Yoga is often advantageous for chiropractic patients to perform. If your chiropractor recommends that you take this route, you can reap these three rewards of this ancient practice.

Yoga Promotes Balance

One of the common traits shared among many patients who receive chiropractic care is that their backs aren't properly balanced when they first show up at the chiropractic clinic. Because of an injury, poor posture or even childbirth, it's possible for your back to get out of its proper alignment and suffer from an imbalance. The result is excess strain on your muscles and ligaments and, in many cases, unnatural pressure on the nerves that travel through the area. Taking yoga is an ideal way to achieve and maintain back balance; all the poses you perform in a class will be complementary to one another -- that is, they won't work one side of your body more than another. This healthy approach allows you to keep your back in balance as it heals.

Yoga Builds Strength In Postural Muscles

When an individual has weak postural muscles, he or she can often suffer back pain. Muscles that support your posture include those in your back, hips and core. Weakness in these muscles can make it difficult to maintain a healthy, upright position that keeps your back in its proper alignment. The result can be chronic slouching, which forces your back into an unhealthy position and leads to pain. A virtually endless array of yoga poses for people of all skill levels can strengthen your postural muscles to help you maintain a healthy, upright posture whether you're seated or standing.

Yoga Reduces Stress

Back pain and stress often share a close bond; when your overall anxiety increases, you can experience a tightening of the muscles that affects the alignment of your spine. The relaxing poses, concentration on deep breathing and even the tranquil nature of many yoga studios can contribute to helping you lower your overall stress level, which can promote muscle relaxation and help you heal in conjunction with your chiropractic adjustments.

For a chiropractor in your area, contact a company such as Calgary Chiropractics.
